The 4 elements symbolize the balance of characteristics for one to achieve being the best version of themselves.
The earth represents the body, water represents mind, fire represents love, and wind represents spirit.
The Earth is solid and strong and must provide stability in order for everything living on it to flourish. Similarly, it is important that our bodies are well-nourished and that we train our bodies both physically and mentally, as a strong body makes way for a strong mind.
Water constantly moves, always looking for an opening and taking the shape of whatever it is contained in. Like water, we must always keep our minds open so that we can learn and adapt to the challenges we are presented with in life. Without room for growth, there can be no room for improvement and once we overcome these challenges, we emerge as stronger individuals.
Fire is warm and bright which provides comfort and guidance so we can see our path forward. Likewise, we are able to push through difficult times and thrive with love and support from each other. Love one another with honesty and sincerity, even adversaries, as there is something to learn from everybody. Empathy and understanding are what makes us human.
Wind moves with strength, looking for areas to expand and knows no limits. Our spirit must be similarly as strong and unwavering, never seeking to stop being brave and courageous. We must always be hopeful and persevere with determination, no matter the circumstances. Only then can we reach our potential.
Patience, Love, Respect, & Humility
We teach patience with others, which creates understanding. Understanding brings love, and love of friends, family and even adversaries is a fundamental part of our school philosophy. We help build respect for all living things, both great and small, strong and weak, and generate respect for oneself and others. In all areas of life, humility brings with it peace of mind.
Our Mission
- To enhance our community through the positive personal development of each of our students.
- To provide a supportive and energetic environment in which our students can grow mentally and physically.
- To inspire personal excellence, both in and out of the Martial Arts School, through our example as Black Belts.
- To promote the tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and an indomitable spirit.
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